The Selcouth Comics Archive
Chapter 00: King
Chapter 01: Witness To The Dream
Meet Darshana Samyata and begin your journey with the first chapter of Apeiron.
Chapter 03: Corpse Flower (Part 1)
After the unthinkable occurs, Darshana begins to discover a horrifying truth about her reality.
Chapter 04 : Corpse Flower (Part 2)
Darshana, trapped in the world of the dead, confronts a being of terrible power as she begins to learn the truth behind the disappearance of her father.
Chapter 06: Parabola
Chapter 07: Introitus Traversal
While searching for her mother, Darshana becomes embroiled in a conflict that leads her to the very heart of Jassara; revealing secrets that will shatter her world forever.
The Tale of Timotep
Timotep failed Qualia one too many times and paid the ultimate price. Newly reborn, this pitiful creature finds himself facing a new destiny.
Collected here is a continuing series of short stories that are sure to twist the mind of even the most seasoned reader…